Want to work with a nonfiction publisher who’s happy to have you reach out directly (and not require you to first sign with a literary agent)?
Nonfiction publishers come in many sizes and shapes, so you have many choices and need to shop for the right fit. Some help you through the entire book creation process. Others will need you to have at least a first draft before starting to work with you. Most are called independent or hybrid publishers or self-publishing service providers and provide services for a fee you pay. These are a great place to begin your research! And if these aren’t enough, go to Reedsy’s list of 300 more.
Action Takers Book Publishing (anthology books)
Advantage Media (books by entrepreneurs/industry leaders)
Aviva Publishing (nonfiction books)
Balboa Press (self-help books)
BrainTrust Inc.
Burford Books
Career Press (business)
Central Recovery Press (behavioral healthcare recovery books)
Chelsea Green Publishing (sustainability books)
Chicago Review Press
Chronicle Books
CRC Press (science, technology, medical books)
Defining Moments Press (business-building books)
Elite Online Publishing (business-building books)
Entrepreneur Press
Fast Company Press
Forbes Books (books by game changers and thought leaders)
Fruition Publishing Concierge Services
Grammar Factory Publishing (books by entrepreneurs)
Highpoint Executive Publishing (business books)
Igniting Souls Publishing Agency
Inc. Original (business books)
Inner Traditions • Bear & Company
Leaders Press (business-building books)
Manhattan Book Group
Milspeak Books (military + veterans, though not necessarily military topics)
Mission Publishing (business-building books)
MysticqueRose Publishing Services
Page Street Publishing
Persea Books
Phoenix Publishing and Media Company
Practical Inspiration Publishing
Quirk Books
Rancho Park Publishing (translations)
Rock Bench Publishing (thought leaders’ books)
Seven Stories Press
Tilsbury House Publishers
Turner Publishing
WhiteFire Publishing
Workman Publishing